Our office resumes its functioning

Category: News
Published on Tuesday, 22 March 2022 19:40
Written by Макаревич Євгенія
Hits: 993

Dear Ukrainians! Dear Friends of Ukraine!

On behalf of our team it is our pleasure to announce that we resume the functioning of our office.

From March 21, 2022, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, our specialists hand ready documents over in the office from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. and accept documents for processing from 10.30 a.m. till 1 p.m. (given the security situation and curfew).

From the very outbreak of the treacherous russia’s attack on our beloved Motherland, we all keep doing our best to overcome harsh circumstances and get back to everyday work routine, providing within our competence and mission our services for the sake of peace, for the sake of our victory, for the sake of all the important issues of usual peaceful life under extremely difficult, unstable circumstances of full-scale war.

Our duty is to ensure as much as possible the access of our citizens and all the holders of Ukrainian credentials to further studies and employment in our country and throughout the world, without obstacles and borders.

We do believe that every pupil, student, scientist, professional will get the opportunity to return to peaceful Ukraine or travel freely around the world now and after the war, will be able to contribute to the revival of our free, independent and flourishing country.

We have no doubt that victory belongs to us because the truth, justice, goodness and light are at our side.

Looking forward to welcome you in our office and wish us all peaceful sky and victory.

Slava Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!