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Attention! Peak Workload!
- Details
- Category: News
- Published on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 10:44
- Hits: 3293
Dear Clients!
Due to the rapid increase in application number, the Centre Recognition Department operates in the extreme workload mode.
The authority and the Centre team do their best to ensure submission and timely fulfillment of your assignments. However, there is no capability to neutralize this seasonal peak, make it imperceptible for you.
We would like to ask you for help in the effective organization of our cooperation. The implementation of our recommendations will significantly save your time and our efforts while processing the documents.
1. Due to the large seasonal workload, the schedule for receiving telephone calls is temporarily reset (Mon-Thu - 11: 00-12: 00, Fri - 16: 00-17:00, Sat - 10: 00-14: 00). In order to receive information about submitted document processing, please write letters directly to your specialist's e-mail address (you can find it in the Personal Cabinet or get informed by phone) or to the Department email address: JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING .
While appealing in telephone or electronic mode, please, specify the number of the case (which begins with Latin letters “NZ”), names of the applicant and/or holder of the foreign educational document. Also we would like to ask you to write your questions clearly. This information will help us to process the request promptly and enable a quick response.
2. In order to submit documents, fill in an online application form for the recognition procedure. When you forward online application for processing, you get an excellent opportunity to be preliminary consulted by our specialist, who would be able to analyze your document package and provide necessary recommendations. Therefore, you can be ensured that the package is ready for submission, and you do not have to revisit the office or resend it.
3. It is obligatory to add scanned copies of all documents from the list to the online application. Images should be readable, that will allow the specialist to make a preliminary analysis of documents (the recommended scanning resolution is 200-300 dpi, the file format is * .jpg or * .jpeg, the size of each file may not exceed 1 MB).
4. You are requested to calculate correctly the office visit time in accordance with admission hours. Be aware: if the online application form was not filled in by you in advance, this process will take in average 30-40 minutes of your time working with self-service terminal (IBox) in the office. Only after filling in the application form, you will receive an electronic queue number. In order to enqueue a previously created (in the Personal Cabinet) on-line application, you may contact our administrator in the lobby.
5. Be attentive while filling in the application form via IBox or in the Personal Cabinet; make sure you enter complete information. The language, in which the application form should be filled in, is Ukrainian, except for the fields where you have to enter information in Latin or Cyrillic. The first letters of the family and given names are in uppercase (capitalized); the following letters are in lowercase (small). You should enter correct and up-to-date information into all fields. It takes plenty of the specialist time to correct mistakes in the application. Make sure that your contact information (phone, e-mail and postal address) is input without errors, and the specialist will be able to contact you without obstruction in case of necessity.
6. In order to make the procedure more convenient and save your time, it is recommended to apply with the help of remote submission service. It is a submission, conducted with no visit to apply and receive documents! The price for such service is slightly higher than the one with a visit, but all your issues could be solved remotely at a convenient time. The documents are sent and received by the courier service. The approximate time of the specialist feedback considering remote application is currently up to 15 working days.
7. In case it is possible, we would like to ask you to postpone the document submission for a while. We expect a significant decrease in the number of documents in July-August period. In such a manner the conditions for you as a client will be more comfortable. Whereas it is not possible, we would strongly recommend filling in the online application form in advance following the instructions in the Personal Cabinet. You could also arrive before the beginning of submission procedure (like that your application will be already in the electronic queue at the submission beginning time).
8. You are able to check the document status on our website. We would like to ask you to get ascertained beforehand whether your documents are ready. For that to happen you should find your registration number in the list of decision on the website. The certificate may be obtained at our office during decision issue hours.
Thank you for your understanding and help!