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The international project «SQUARE»
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- Category: News
- Published on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 12:08
- Written by Науменко Наталья
- Hits: 2604
For the first time Ukraine participates in the International project devoted to the recognition of foreign qualifications.
On 15–16 of June 2015 representatives of National Information Centre of Academic Mobility (ENIC Ukraine) as the experts will conduct an external inspection of ENIC-NARIC’s activity of Republic of Slovenia which performs the recognition of foreign qualifications in this country.
The event is carried out within the international project «SQUARE». Ukraine is represented for the first time in this project. Its organizer is Erasmus+ (The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency acting under powers delegated by the European Commission), the coordinator of the project is “Stichting EP-Nuffic” (Holland) which is a leading centre for the recognition of qualifications in the European region.
The project SQUARE means the series of events to ensure the quality of carrying out the recognition procedure by European centres of ENIC-NARIC network. Its aim is to improve the work of ENIC-NARIC centres in accordance with the international standards of Lisbon Convention and considering the specific work of the centres of academic mobility and recognition.
In April 2015 within this project ENIC Ukraine Centre conducted self-examination of its activity by means of data collection and analysis in compliance with the existing recognition practice in Ukraine to the standards and recommendations of European space recognition.
The second stage of the project is the visit of Ukrainian experts to Slovenia. And at the end of June the National Information Centre of Academic Mobility (ENIC Ukraine) is expecting on external review of its activity by the Norwegian experts. Currently it is the preparation for the reception of experts from the Kingdom of Norway by the Ukrainian side.
Such checks of centres on recognition of foreign qualifications by their colleagues from other European countries are carried out during the spring-autumn 2015. It is expected that experts from other country are not only acquainted with the practice of recognition of foreign qualifications, introduced in the country, but also they can work out their conclusions and recommendations for further work and improvement of existing practices. Summary of the results of the project should be the basis for developing recommendations on recognition of foreign qualifications at European level.
For the Ukrainian Centre participation in this project is, on the one hand, recognition of its several years of activity in the field of recognition of foreign qualifications, and on the other hand, it is a unique opportunity to gain valuable advice from its colleagues who takes care about this subject for several decades. This project is on time, because today the new model of recognition procedure of foreign degrees in Ukraine is built, which is focused on European practice.
Information reference: according to the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers from 31 August 2011 № 924 “Issues of National Information Centre of Academic Mobility” the functions of National Information Centre of Academic Mobility (ENIC Ukraine) are assigned to the State-owned Company “Information and Image Centre” of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.