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  1. Constitution of Ukraine (Articles 24 and 26);
  2. Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons" (1994);
  3. Law of Ukraine "On Education";
  4. Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education";
  5. Lisbon Convention of 1997 (Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region);
  6. Recognition Procedure for Higher Education Degrees Issued by Foreign Educational Institutions (approved by Order No 504 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dated May 05, 2015);
  7. Recognition Procedure for Educational Documents on Secondary and Vocational Education Issued by Foreign Educational Institutions (approved by Order No 504 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dated May 05, 2015);
  8. Bilateral agreements on mutual recognition and equivalency of education-confirming documents and academic degrees;
  9. List of Qualifications Whose Holders Are Trained in Institutions of Higher Learning to the Specialist and Master Degree (approved by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No 787, dated August 27, 2010, as amended and supplemented);
  10. List of Areas in Which Professionals Are Trained in Institutions of Higher Learning to the Bachelor Degree (approved by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No 1719, dated December 13, 2006);
  11. List of Qualifications Whose Holders Are Trained in Institutions of Higher Learning to the Junior Specialist Degree (approved by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No 839, dated August 20, 2007, as amended and supplemented);
  12. The Convention Abrogating the Requirement for Legalization of Foreign Public Documents (the Hague Convention), 1961;
  13. Decree No 94 of the President of Ukraine “On the Consular Statute of Ukraine,” dated April 2, 1994 (page 54);
  14. Order No 113 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine "On Approving the Instruction on the Procedure for Consular Legalization of Public Documents in Ukraine and Abroad," dated June 4, 2002;
  15. Resolution No 924 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Issues Related to the National Information Centre of Academic Mobility,” dated August 31, 2011.