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ENIC Ukraine’s Seminar for HEIs of Ukraine in recognition of foreign educational qualifications in Ukraine
- Details
- Category: News
- Published on Sunday, 01 January 2023 14:56
- Written by Макаревич Євгенія
- Hits: 938
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the letter No. 1/15448-22 of 16.12.2022 informed HEIs of Ukraine about the changes that have taken place in the current legislation of Ukraine regarding recognition of foreign documents on education and emphasized on the importance of complying with legislation. In November 2022 the amendments to the order MES of 05.05.2015 No. 504 “Some issues of recognition of foreign documents on education in Ukraine”, by which the Recognition Procedure for foreign documents on education was approved, took effect.
In view of the numerous requests from the HEIs regarding the provision of clarifications on the changes that took place in the system of current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of the recognition of foreign qualifications ENIC Ukraine is organizing an online-seminar for HEIs of Ukraine on January 27, 2023 (at 10.00 a.m.).
The theme of the online-seminar is Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications in Ukraine: amendments in legislation and implementation of the practice of the automatic recognition.
Date and time: 27.01.2023, at 10.00 a.m.
Participation is free of charge.
The registration for participation is available now. The last term of registration is January 20, 2023. Attention! Since the number of places is limited by the technical capabilities of the online platform no more than 2 participants from one HEI can participate in the seminar.
Kindly download the letter for the heads of the HEIs and registration form.
To registry, please send an official letter signed by the authorized person and an electronically completed registration form to the email: JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING .
The link to the broadcast will be sent to your email addresses the day before the online-seminar.
Our contacts:
Tel.: +38(044) 484 64 25.
Happy winter holidays! Yours ENIC Ukraine.