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Seminar for recognition of foreign educational qualifications

On January 27, 2023 the Centre ENIC Ukraine held an online-seminar “Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications in Ukraine: Amendments to Legislation and Automatic Recognition Implementation”. This event gathered 230 participants from more than 150 higher education institutions in Ukraine.

It took a great effort and dedication of the ENIC Ukraine team to prepare and hold this event amidst air raid sirens, missile attacks and constant blackouts.

In the first part of the seminar the participants, mostly admission officers, who work with foreign credentials, had an opportunity to hear from the experts about new regulations in the recognition sphere and impact of russian aggression on the validity of international agreements in the field of education. The discussion about the legislation and recognition practices was followed by a vibrant Q&A session during which the audience discussed questions, that were sent before and during the seminar.

The second part of the event was dedicated to the concept and implementation models of the automatic recognition of foreign education qualifications, including the foundational projects on automatic recognition, done by the network of national information centres of the ENIC-NARIC networks, such as PARADIGMS, AR-Net, I-AR, AdReN, Q-Entry. The participants were introduced with the main principles of the automatic recognition , which they could implement in recognition procedures locally.

After the seminar topic of the automatic recognition implementation ways and good practices continued in mini-groups.

You may learn about the program of the online-seminar.

The ENIC Ukraine team is committed to continue serving you.

We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and our Victory!

Glory to Ukraine!