Путь на сайте
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- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Friday, 15 September 2017 08:47
- Hits: 89040
You are welcome at: 25, V. Chornovola str., Kyiv.
Mailing address: Box 147, Kyiv, 01135.
Тel.: +38 044 486 20 43, +38 044 486 25 43
Fax: +38 044 486 18 29
It will be convenient for you to reach us:
Walking route from the metro station "Vokzalna" is available at the link>>.
Walking route from the metro station "Lukyanivska" is available at the link>>.
Map is available at the link>>.
In order to get information on the progress of the case, please, contact directly your specialist's via e-mail address (this data may be given by phone-operator or found in the Personal Cabinet), or send an e-mail to the department: JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING .
You are kindly requested to indicate a case number (begins with Latin letters NZ), family and given name of the applicant/holder of the foreign educational document. Also we would like to ask you to write your questions clearly. This information will help us to process the request promptly and enable a quick response.
Thank you for your understanding!
- Details
- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Wednesday, 19 April 2017 12:22
- Hits: 2069
To apply for the document recognition in the office:
1) Prepare the paper document list (details in the “List of Documents” section).
2) Sign up on the website in the section "Registration in Personal Cabinet". Access to the Personal Cabinet is available only for the registered users.
3) Create an online application at the Personal Cabinet. Attach scanned copies of the documents. Since that moment you would be able to check the status of document processing in the Personal Cabinet.
4) Send a request for processing. Select the "Send to processing" operation in the list of available actions.
The on-line application, which had been sent for processing (with obligatory attached scanned copies of the documents), is being processed within 10 working days. During this time, the specialists of the Centre check the completeness of the package and the correctness of the documents.
5) You are able to obtain confirmation of the document correctness or the specialist’s recommendations regarding the need to revise the package content.
Consultation is being provided in the Personal Cabinet, via electronic or ordinary mail, or in the telephone mode.
If it is confirmed that documents are drawn up correctly and are in full, you will receive a notification about office application option.
6) Apply paper documents regarding office hours. The original educational documents must be presented along with the applicant identity document.
Document application for the recognition procedure is carried out from 14.00 till 17.00 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) and from 10.00 till 13.00 (Tuesday).
Electronic application queue is organized considering present registered applicants, both signed up via information self-service terminal (IBox) in the office and online - via Personal Cabinet.
Application procedure ends according to the stated office hours regardless time and registration methods.
Please note!
While applying in the office an applicant shall register the whole document list (see "List of the Documents") via information self-service terminal (IBox). The average time for registration of one document package is approximately 40 minutes.
In light of this, in order to make it more convenient and to accelerate the document application procedure, you are kindly requested to register in advance via Personal Cabinet on the web-site. Thank you for your understanding!
Attention! If the documents aren't submitted by the applicant in full or with incorrect document layout, also if the submitted documents do not undergo recognition procedure according to the current regulations, they will be returned to the applicant without examination of the merits with the message.
If you are not in Kiev, you do not have to waste your time on a trip to submit foreign educational documents for recognition personally. You may use the remote application procedure (no visit).
- Details
- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 10:20
- Hits: 6545
If you are currently not present in Kyiv, you do not have to make a journey in order to submit foreign educational documents for the recognition procedure. Instead you are able to make use of remote submission procedure (without visiting the office). Download the document submission scheme>>
To conduct remote delivery:
1) Prepare a package of paper documents (see details in the list of documents).
2) Register on the website in the section "Registration in Personal Cabinet". Only registered users are able to get into the Personal Cabinet.
3) Create an on-line application in the Personal Cabinet. Attach scanned copies of the documents. Since that moment you would be able to check the status of processing documents in the Personal Cabinet.
4) Send a request for processing. Select the "Send to processing" operation in the list of available actions.
The on-line application, which had been sent for processing (with obligatory attached scanned copies of the documents), is being processed within 10 working days. During this time, the specialists of the Centre check the completeness of the package and the correctness of the documents.
5) You are able to obtain confirmation of the document correctness or the specialist’s recommendations about the need to revise the package.
Consultation is being provided in the Personal Cabinet, via electronic or ordinary mail, or by phone.
6) When a specialist of the Centre confirms that the documents have a proper layout, you may send the package of paper documents by the courier service to:
SE "Information and Image Centre", 25, V. Chornovola str., Kyiv, 01135
or send by post to the address: 01135, Kyiv city, PO Box 147.
Attention! Do not send a package of paper documents without obtaining confirmation from the specialist whether the document are in full and they are drawn up correctly.
The originals of educational documents must be sent only in case of necessity after the package analysis by the specialist of the Centre. After verification the originals of the educational documents are returned to the applicant by the means of courier services (the courier delivery services are paid by the applicant in accordance with the courier service rates).
If the documents aren't submitted by the applicant in full or with incorrect document layout, also if the submitted documents do not undergo recognition procedure according to the current regulations, they will be returned to the applicant without examination of the merits with the message.
Personal Cabinet Registration
- Details
- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 16:35
- Hits: 14749
In order to make document submission more convenient and save time, we recommend using the Personal Cabinet. The Personal Cabinet becomes accessible only after registration on the website. Therefore, you have to complete the registration procedure at first.
How to register?
1. Click the "Register"/Регистрация button in the upper right corner of the page.
2. Fill in all the fields with relevant information using prompts. To see the prompt, move the cursor to the field name (see the pic). We recommend using e-mail as login.
3. After filling in all fields, click the "Register"/Регистрация button.
4. The next step is to activate the account. To conduct it, click on the link that will come to your e-mail address at the moment of your registration.
5. After clicking on the link, you have to login to website using your login/логин and password/пароль, which are in the upper right corner of the site.
Registration is complete. Now you can use the Personal Cabinet. The corresponding section has appeared in the menu on the left. With the help of this function you are able to create an on-line application for document submission, check the processing stage and receive a specialist consultation.
How to make an application?
Ukrainian is the language to fill in the application forms, except the fields where the information in Latin or Cyrillic symbols is required.
- Click to "Create a new application"/Создать новую заявку button
- It will be necessary to enter the applicant's and holder’s data and information related to the educational document.
Please note: the applicant is the one, who plans to submit the documents. The “applicant block” fields must contain the data of the person, who will actually submit the documents for the recognition procedure. If the documents are submitted by their holder, the data of the applicant and the holder coincide.
- Use the prompts to complete the fields. To use the prompt move the cursor over the question mark "?" near the corresponding field.
Attach scan-copies of educational documents:
1) Personal Data Processing Consent
2) Personal Data Processing Consent (singed by the applicant and the holder)
3) Scanned copies of diploma / certificate / academic certificate and their translation into Ukrainian
4) Scanned copies of Diploma Supplement / Certificate and their translation into Ukrainian
5) A copy of the document on previous education (certificate, certificate, academic certificate, diploma) if available
6) Copy of the owner’s / applicant’s passport (if necessary with translation into Ukrainian)
7) A copy of the document on changing the name of the owner of a foreign education certificate (if necessary).
8) The document on the payment of the state service
Technical requirements for scan copies:
A) while considering the scanned copies, we pay attention to the compulsory elements of the document format (name, serial number, signature, date of issue, name of the holder). Therefore, the provision of scanned copies of corresponding pages is mandatory.
B) scanned copies must be readable (recommended resolution for scanning is 200 dpi). If there is no opportunity to scan the documents, photos are also accepted, but only in case that “scanned copy” requirements are met (readability and pages with compulsory elements of the document format presented).
C) file format is .jpg and .jpeg.
D) size of each file may not exceed 1 MB.
Here you can get information about reduce image to needed size
After filling in all the fields and file attachment, click on "Save Application"/Сохранить заявку button.
Application is created. It is contained in the created applications list in your Personal Cabinet. You have access to such operations as “send application for processing”, “edit it”, or “create a new one”.
Note that at this stage the application is contained only at your Personal Cabinet with the status "Application Generation/ Формування заявки". In order to send the application for the processing by Centre specialists, you have to choose the operation "Send for Processing/ Відправити в обробку” in the list of available actions. The application will be processed within 10 working days.
Then you will receive a message considering layout of the documents, possible time and cost of processing or specialist’s recommendations about the need to revise the package content. Consultation may be provided in the Personal Cabinet, using electronic or conventional mail, or by phone. You will be able to determine the document submission type (in the office or remotely), and define the processing time.
In case of remote submission you will be provided with all necessary application and receipt forms.
Actions required to complete the steps necessary for the recognition
- Details
- Category: Без категорії
- Published on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 14:21
- Hits: 3947
1. Receiving the responses by MES of Ukraine from officials of other states, foreign educational institutions, accreditation boards and information centres on academic mobility and recognition to the requests for:
- compliance with approved standards of educational documents;
- the fact of training and issuing any foreign educational document;
- the official recognition of an educational institution or its affiliate in the educational system of the country of origin concerning a certificate of education;
- the academic and professional rights, granted to the owner of a document on education, for the evaluation system at the time of issuance of a certificate of education, and other information required for the procedure of recognition and, equivalence of foreign educational document in Ukraine;
2. Getting the Comparative analysis by MES of Ukraine of the curriculum content (plan), for which a foreign educational document was issued, to the content of the curriculum (plan) of the adjacent or direct specialty in Ukraine (if necessary);
3. Receiving the results of additional training, competency testing (if necessary) by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
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