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The right to appeal against the recognition decision is provided by the Lisbon Recognition Convention (Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, 1997). All holders of foreign educational documents have the right to apply for clear and transparent qualification assessment procedure. There may be two outcomes of the qualification assessment procedure:

  • recognition, based on which a Certificate of recognition of foreign educational documents is issued with the recognition decision;
  • denial of recognition, informing the applicant about the reasons for denial of recognition and about the nature of the substantial differences found. Please refer to this page for more details about the outcomes of the recognition procedure.

Experts of our Centre make everything possible to make the recognition process of your educational document successful, but there are cases when the assessment is denied or the decision is not satisfactory for the applicant. In such cases the applicant has the right to make an appeal within 3 months period after receiving the results of the recognition procedure. In case of appealing against the recognition decision, the submitted documents and other additional information is reassessed.

To make an appeal against the recognition decision you should provide arguments to support your case and submit a file of documents, as follows:

  1. Application form for the appeal (application form);
  2. Personal Data Processing Consent. The application-consent should be filled in and signed by the holder of foreign educational document. Kindly fill the application in English (application form).

  3. Personal Data Processing Consent (singed by the applicant and the holder) (application form);
  4. Copy of the recognition Certificate or official letter about the denial.
  5. Copy of foreign educational document, which requires assessment;
  6. Copies of additional documents, that could help in the process (with the translation, if necessary);
  7. Copy of passport (with translation, if necessary);
  8. Copy of certified letter of authority (in case when the submission isn’t done by the holder of the education document);
  9. Copy of passport of the applicant (in case when the application isn’t done by the holder of the education document.

The submitted file is processed for 10 working days from the moment of their receipt and registration. During this time we check whether the file is complete and properly done, look at the supportive arguments and analyze additional documents. After that the applicant will be informed about the possibility to make an appel.

The application file could be submitted by the following ways:

  • visit our centre;
  • mail to the following address:

State-owned Company "Information and Image Centre"
Box 147,

  • courier delivery to the following address:

State-owned Company "Information and Image Centre"
25, Chornovola str.

In case of any questions about enquiring of recognition procedure, please, contact the Centre.


The procedure of recognition of qualifications held by the refugee applicants or persons in need of complementary protection differs from the standard procedure of recognition, and is subject to international rules according to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951, and the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967.

Despite the absence of all necessary documents the persons with the refugee status are entitled to have their credentials assessed by the competent recognition authorities. The recognition procedure of credentials of such applicants may be initiated without the complete package of documents unlike the ordinary rules of recognition procedure, and presupposes the simplified process. The basis for initiation of the recognition procedure is the document, which confirms the status of a refugee or a person in need of complementary protection in Ukraine. In cases of lack of information (documents) the procedure of credentials evaluation may include specially commissioned examinations, and interviews at higher educational institutions and/or relevant specialized organizations.

In order to facilitate the credentials evaluation of the refugees with the incomplete package of documents it is essential to obtain as much information as possible, namely:

  • the purpose of recognition (academic or professional);
  • all available credentials (diplomas, student identity card, academic records, credit books, syllabuses etc.);
  • all available documented proof of work experience (namely, certificates confirming the work experience, employment agreement, employment record book, employment reference letter, etc.).

All the provided information will add to the picture of education. Please be informed that the specific circumstances in which persons with refugee status are found to be should not be obstacles for initiation of the recognition procedure. The cost of the procedure is 51,00 UAH (administrative service for individual). In cases when additional expenses are required all possible measures will be taken to minimize them.

List of the required documents:

  1. Application for the credentials recognition (application form and completed specimen).
  2. Consent signed by the applicant granting permission to personal data processing (application form).
  3. Photocopy of the document, which confirms the status of a refugee or a person in need of complementary protection in Ukraine.
  4. Photocopy of the name change document (if applicable).
  5. All available educational documents.
  6. Confirmation of compulsory payment for the administrative service which is receipt form for individual and for legal entity.

Even if you are unable to submit all the necessary documents listed above please do not hesitate to apply to the Centre for a personal appointment. Our specialists will consult you and explain the procedure.

For more detailed information on credentials recognition procedure please feel free to contact us.


Please, note!

1. The list of privileged categories of citizens who receive a 50% discount* of the cost of services provided by the department of expert determination of qualifications equivalence of the Centre:

  • citizens who belong to the categories I and II of the Chernobyl disaster victims;
  • disabled persons of the Second World War;
  • disabled people of I and II groups;
  • orphaned children

* the discount is granted on condition of providing the original of the document confirming its status as a privileged category, and in case of rendering services concerning the documents whose owners belong to the privileged categories mentioned in the list

2. Educators (teachers of kindergarten, teachers of schools, whose experience in Ukraine is more than 5 years), the procedure of recognition which is necessary for continuation of work on specialty in institutions of preschool and/or school education, which submit their own documents, is given an 50% discount** of the cost of the service of recognition in regular mode (60 working days).

The service on organization of comparative analysis of the content of educational programs, if it is provided by procedure, is paid in full.

The remote submission service is paid in full.

** the discount is granted on the condition of personal submission of documents by educators and only in case of rendering of the service concerning the documents which are directly related to these citizens

3. Persons recognized as refugees and persons requiring additional or temporary protection under the Law of Ukraine “On refugees and persons requiring additional or temporary protection” are granted an 50% discount*** of the value of the regular recognition service (60 working days).

The service on organization of comparative analysis of the content of educational programs, if it is provided by procedure, is paid in full.

The remote submission service is paid in full.

*** the discount is provided upon presentation of the original document confirming the belonging to the specified category of persons (refugee certificate, identification of the person requiring additional protection, identification of the person who has been granted temporary protection) and in case of provision of the service concerning documents whose owners are refugees and persons who need additional or temporary protection

4. War veterans (participants of the fighting, war veterans, war participants) who submit their own documents are given a 15% discount**** of the cost of the regular recognition service (60 working days).

The service on organization of comparative analysis of the content of educational programs, if it is provided by procedure, is paid in full.

The remote submission service is paid in full.

**** the discount is granted on condition of presenting the original document confirming the status of the veteran war, and in case of rendering the service concerning documents which are directly related to these citizens

The benefit is granted directly to citizens-holders of foreign documents on education when presenting the relevant document.


Time options for the recognition procedure (working days)Cost3 (UAH)State tax (obligatory) individuals/legal entitiesProcedure types
601 720.00 51.00/85.00 urgent
501 816.00 51.00/85.00 urgent
401 960.00 51.00/85.00 urgent
302 1200.00 51.00/85.00 urgent
202 1248.00 51.00/85.00 urgent
102 1344.00 51.00/85.00 urgent
52 1440.00 51.00/85.00 express

1 Doesn’t include the comparative curriculum analysis.
2 Possible for applications that do not require the comparative curriculum analysis or inquiries.
3 The cost of the comparative curriculum analysis is not included.

List of servicesTime options (working days)Cost
Application during additional working hours - UAH 60.00
Organization of courier mail delivery (doesn’t include a courier company’s service cost) 1-3 UAH 60.00
Distant application with the preliminary analysis of documents for their submission to the MES of Ukraine (includes the organization of courier mail delivery of the certificate, but not the company’s service cost and the recognition procedure itself) 2-3 UAH 300.00
Distant application from abroad with the preliminary analysis of documents for their submission to MES of Ukraine (including the cost of urgent4 procedure but not including the cost of comparative curriculum analysis5, and including the organization of courier mail delivery of the certificate but not including a courier company’s service cost) 2-3 + time for the recognition procedure and curriculum analysis (if needed) USD 68.00
Organization of comparative curriculum analysis (including the cost of analysis)5 30 UAH 1150.00
Organization of comparative curriculum analysis (urgent mode, including the cost of analysis)5 10 UAH 1680.00
Organization of translation and notary certification (includes the cost of translation, and notary certification of translation and/or copy from the original document) 10 according to a translation agency’s pricelist
Official letter informing about the beginning of the recognition procedure 1 UAH 48.00
Official letter from the MES of Ukraine informing about the beginning of the recognition procedure 1-5 UAH 96.00
Inquiry to provide the archived documents for foreign educational institutions or bodies 80 UAH 840.00
Official letter of the MES of Ukraine informing that the recognition procedure for educational documents is not required 1-5 UAH 96.00
Processing of archived documentation for re-issuance of a recognition decision 20 UAH 96.00
Processing of archive documentation for re-issuance of a recognition decision (urgent mode) 5 UAH 198.00
Alignment of a foreign grading system with the Ukrainian one (regular mode) 20 UAH 150.00
Alignment of a foreign grading system with the Ukrainian one (urgent mode) 10 UAH 300.00
Alignment of the Ukrainian grading system with a foreign one (regular mode) 20 UAH 150.00
Alignment of the Ukrainian grading system with a foreign one (urgent mode) 10 UAH 300.00

4 An available procedure type is defined but a specialist upon receiving a full application package taking into consideration the purpose of recognition of foreign educational document and other criteria.

5 IMPORTANT! The necessity of comparative curriculum analysis is determined by a specialist upon receiving a full application package taking into consideration the purpose of recognition of foreign educational document and other criteria. An applicant may provide the results of comparative curriculum analysis or order this service at the Centre.

Services for HEIs and other legal entities

Time options for the statements’ preparation that will be used by HEIs for the recognition decisions (working days)Cost3 (UAH)Type of procedure
601 720.00 urgent
501 816.00 urgent
401 960.00 urgent
302 1200.00 urgent
202 1248.00 urgent
102 1344.00 urgent
52 1440.00 express

1 Doesn’t include the comparative curriculum analysis.
2 Possible for applications that do not require the comparative curriculum analysis or inquiries.
3 The cost of the comparative curriculum analysis is not included.

List of services40 working days (UAH)30 working days (UAH)10 working days (UAH)
Authenticity verification of foreign educational documents, providing an official letter with findings 480.00 560.00 690.00
Confirmation of the status of foreign educational institutions and/or programs, providing an official letter with findings 210.00 320.00 420.00
Equivalence of qualifications by comparison of qualification frameworks or using the international agreements, and/or assessing the academic and/or professional rights, providing an official letter with findings 480,00 560,00 690,00

List of servicesTime options
(working days)
Information letter on the recognition procedure in Ukraine of foreign educational documents (upon written requests from HEIs) 3 240.00
Equivalence of qualifications by a comparative curriculum analysis (includes the cost of analysis) with a conclusion statement 30 1150.00
Equivalence of qualifications by a comparative curriculum analysis in urgent mode (includes the cost of analysis) with a conclusion statement 10 1680.00
«Consultation-line» – consultations on recognition issues for HEIs by phone (8 hours/5 days a week) one month 1890.00
Instructional seminars on the recognition procedure - Depends on the arrangements

Discount 20% for subscribers of «Consultation-line» for participation in seminars and for the information and technical support of decision making and registration.



Welcome to the website that has all the necessary information about the procedure for the recognition of foreign educational documents in Ukraine.

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With faith in unity and Victory,
the Team of State-Owned Company “Information and Image Centre”

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If you have studied abroad but are planning to continue your education or work in your specialization area in Ukraine, you need to submit your educational documents for recognition (nostrification).

State-owned company "Information and Image Centre" performs the functions of a national information centre of academic mobility (Resolution No 924 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dated August 31, 2011). Specifically, the powers of the Centre include verifying the authenticity of educational documents issued by educational institutions of foreign countries, as well as arranging for expert examinations to establish the equivalency of the qualifications awarded according to educational documents issued by educational institutions of foreign countries.

The final result of this document authenticity verification and qualification equivalency establishment is an appropriate decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine recognizing the foreign educational document as valid in Ukraine.

The Information and Image Centre works according to the “single window” principle to ensure maximum convenience for you and the transparency of the recognition procedure applied by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to your educational documents. Prior to preparing your documents for the recognition procedure, please read the following sections:

Submission Procedure

List of Documents

Issue Procedure

We are always ready to provide you with detailed consultations regarding the recognition procedure for your educational documents at the telephones:

+38 044 486 20 43, +38 044 486 25 43

and e-mail: JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING .